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Perfect Soldier: The Complete Story (5-Part BBW Military Romance Novel) Page 7
Perfect Soldier: The Complete Story (5-Part BBW Military Romance Novel) Read online
Page 7
“Let’s face it, we’re all a bit tired. Isn’t it smarter to walk away with some money instead of lose it all on the last night? That happens more often than you’d think,” I said.
“But dammit, I was up over a grand before this night started,” said Garrett.
He seemed annoyed with himself. I knew the feeling, but I also knew that wasn’t exactly the best state of mind to play card games advantageously. If we stayed, there was a damn good chance he’d be forfeiting his entire winnings to the house. Tyson spoke up for the first time since I’d made the suggestion.
“I’m honestly not opposed to this idea. I feel lucky to get out with any amount of money. I’ll go if you do all the driving,” he said. “And buy me a case of beer for the ride.”
“I can make that happen,” I said. “What about you, Gare?”
“Fine, let’s call it quits. But you gotta talk to the front desk and see if they’ll comp our room for the night. That way I’ll leave with over a grand in my pocket.”
“Deal,” I said.
“Alright, let’s get out of here then. Thanks for nothing, buddy,” said Garrett to the dealer.
The dealer smiled, amusedly. This wasn’t an unfamiliar sight in Sin City. I smiled to myself as well. In less than twenty four hours I’d be back with Cat. Just the thought of seeing her again made my heart race. It’d been a good week for me, but a long one, too. I needed some comforting arms to fall asleep in.
“Let’s go, boys,” I said, getting up from the table.
Soon we were out the door and into the bright lights and cool desert air of nighttime on the Las Vegas strip.
I looked up at a clock that read 1:45 AM. Fifteen minutes till close. Last call had been at 1:30 AM. There wasn’t much left to do but wait out those minutes, cleaning up the bar and bringing the last of the dirty pint and shot glasses back to the dishwashers in the kitchen.
I yawned, leaning up against the cold, hard wood of the bar counter, counting down those last minutes as a country music song played hazily in the background on the jukebox. Most of our customers had cleared out now, many outside smoking cigarettes before driving off into the night. A few slowpokes finished the last remnants of their final drinks.
Soon I was in my car headed home. Dead tired, so damn tired. It’d been a long day, but in the end, I felt pretty damn good about it. My mind kept drifting back to the Bio exam throughout the entire night. I couldn’t help that; my mind seemed obsessed. But strangely, the more I thought about it, the more confident I felt. Sure, I’d struggled on the last few questions, but we were talking about an exam with over one hundred questions. I could miss a few and still get a good grade – a very good grade.
Like I said, I felt confident. Regardless of how well I did, at least the semester was over. I knew for certain that I’d passed the exam. That was a big win in and of itself. And now I had my winter break – time to lounge around and catch up on some TV that I was too busy for the rest of the year, maybe read a book or two for pleasure. Those were simple things I just hadn’t had time for of late.
My mind drifted towards Colton. I missed him. How much better things would have been if he were here right now. I needed those big arms to fall asleep in. Too bad he was still a couple days away. Tonight was his last night in Vegas, then there was of course the long drive home. Oh well, I missed him, but what could I do about it now.
When I got home and undressed, I decided to text him, letting him know my exams had gone well. It was rather late, I wasn’t sure he’d be up. I was surprised to get a response back immediately. He congratulated me and asked what my schedule looked like the rest of the week. I told him I was working four until close tomorrow, and the next several days after that – with the exception of Monday, being my regular day off.
He texted back, telling me to get some rest after the long day. He was right, I needed a good night’s sleep. I placed my phone back on the night stand and rolled over, pulling the covers up around me. I was warm and contented, and soon enough I’d fallen into a deep, restful sleep.
I was just past Albuquerque when the first bits of daylight started to show in the sky. It wasn’t quite sunrise yet, but suddenly the darkness around me got a bit lighter. The sky turn from black to grey, that flatness of early morning light that can depress the depth of the landscape that surrounds you.
About half an hour later, colors entered the sky, and fifteen minutes beyond that the most brilliant sunrise was blazing out across the vast sky. Garrett was sound asleep in the passenger seat beside me. I looked briefly back in the rearview mirror to see that Tyson was doing the same.
I might have woken them up, but thought better of it. I was tired, yes, but I didn’t mind driving in silence. I had a lot of thoughts to occupy my mind. I was daydreaming about what life might be like with Cat. If she was amenable, I planned to move to Tulsa, maybe even get a little apartment with her. Or maybe even just move in at her place, offer to pay her rent while I stayed. That would ease up her bills for a bit, maybe she could take time off work to focus on school.
Like I said, I was daydreaming. Perhaps I was moving a bit too quickly. But I couldn’t help myself; something about this just felt right. At any rate, I’d float the idea, find some pause in a conversation, the perfect time to bring up this potentiality. I’d get her feedback, see how she was feeling about it all. I could speculate about what she might say, but I wouldn’t know for sure until I had her right in front of me.
I drove onwards as light continued to illuminate the sky, catalyzing the change from night to day. The tank was getting low, so I started to be on the lookout for a gas station. By my calculation, a full tank would get us close to Tulsa, but we’d probably have to stop one last time before finally getting home.
Garrett stirred in the front seat as I was filling up. He rubbed his eyes and sat up straight in his seat before opening the door and stepping out into the fresh morning air. We gave each other a silent nod and I stood there pumping gas as I watched him walk into the little convenience store. He came back moments later with two coffees.
“You take yours black, right?” he said, handing one of them to me.
“That’s right.”
“Where are we exactly?”
“About two hours outside Albuquerque.”
“Which side?”
“Closer to Tulsa.”
“Right. I’ll drive for a bit now.”
“Sounds good,” I said. “Keys are in the ignition.”
Soon enough we were back on the road, but I knew we’d be wanting to stop for a bit and get some breakfast soon. The coffee was hot and rich, the caffeine perking me back up out of my tiredness. Tyson woke in the back seat.
“Hey, how about some breakfast?” he said.
“Right on schedule,” I said.
“What?” asked Tyson.
“Nothing. Garrett, let’s find a place. I’m starving myself, as it is.”
We started looking for a breakfast place. We had around four hundred or so miles to go after this. By my calculation, we’d be getting into Tulsa sometime in the late afternoon. Almost home, I thought. Almost.
Chapter Nine
It was Saturday evening, just past five o’clock. The bar was slow right now, as it always was this early on Saturdays. There was one solitary person sitting at the bar counter, slowly drinking a double whiskey and eating peanuts out of a bowl in front of him. He was something of a regular, drank by himself, didn’t talk much to me or anyone else, didn’t even really watch any sports when they came across the giant flat screen behind the bar. Part of me almost wondered why he came to the bar in the first place.
Hopefully, it would be a busy night. I needed the tips, especially after that damn speeding ticket from last week. I wasn’t sure where exactly I was with respect to my finances. My tuition bill next semester was big, somewhere in the neighborhood of $5000
or so. It was hard saving up that kind of money as a bartender. I’d need to take some extra shifts over the holidays, and probably need a small loan from the bank in addition.
I washed down the bar counter with a wet rag, thinking these idle thoughts. I’m not even sure what I was doing, it’s not like the bar was dirty since there wasn’t even anyone in this damn place yet. I went back to the kitchen to chat with the staff a bit and came out ten minutes later to see if the man at the end of the bar needed a refill.
You can imagine my surprise when I made my way through the door into the bar and found the three boys seated at the counter. Colt wore a wry grin on his face, his subtle way of saying “surprise.”
“Hey, what does it take for a guy to get a drink in this place?” said Garrett teasingly.
“Didn’t expect you boys back so soon,” I said with a smile.
I was genuinely happy to see them, all of them. It was a nice way to spice up this boring afternoon.
“Well, here we are,” said Garrett.
“What will you be having?”
“Beer. Bud. Drafts.”
“Alright,” I said, grabbing three pint glasses and moving over toward the tap.
I came back over with the three glasses of cold beer and placed them in front of the men.
“Now, I want to hear all about this Vegas trip.”
“Damn, I don’t even know where to begin,” said Garrett.
“Wow, Garrett at a loss for words. Now I’ve seen everything.”
They all laughed.
We stayed at the bar for a bit, talking and laughing, telling Cat about our trip. I wanted to save my biggest news for later, when we were in private. Truth be told, I hadn’t even told Garrett and Tyson about my winnings quite yet. Honestly, I didn’t know if they’d even believe me.
I didn’t drink much. I was dead tired, having stayed up through the night driving by myself. After about an hour, the other guys started feeling the same and we decided to head home, too exhausted to turn a few casual afternoon drinks into a wild night. As much as I would have liked to stay and talk to Cat, I just couldn’t manage in my current state.
Before we left, I got a few minutes alone with her while the other guys were out smoking.
“I want to see you later,” I said. “But I’m dead tired right now.”
“That’s understandable.”
“I’ll take a long nap, maybe we can meet up when you get out.”
“I like the sound of that. I’m out at two o’clock in the morning though.”
“Maybe we can grab a late night dinner again.”
“It’s a date. But wait,” she said pausing momentarily. “Where are you sleeping? The couch?”
“That’s the plan.”
“No, no, no,” she said, grabbing her purse from behind the bar.
She came back over and handed me her keys.
“You look so tired, you’re not gonna get the rest you need on that damn couch. Stay at my place. You can come back and pick me up at two.”
I took the keys from her, our hands grazing slightly in the exchange. Just one touch of her skin drove me wild. I put them in my pocket and got up from the bar.
“Let me pay their tab, too,” I said, motioning to Tyson and Garrett outside. “They’ve had enough for now.”
After paying the bill I headed outside to say goodbye to the guys. Of course, I got the expected teasing after I told them I was headed over to Cat’s place to sleep in her bed. But hell, I didn’t mind. I didn’t mind one bit.
Chapter Ten
I waited outside the bar, my purse in hand, enjoying the cold air on my skin. It felt refreshing after a night inside the crowded bar room. Finally, I had peace and quiet. But really, I shouldn’t complain; it had been an exceptional night for tips. That was the positive side of busy nights at work.
Colt would be here in five minutes or so. I paced back and forth. I could have waited inside, but I was too anxious, too excited to see Colt again. Seeing his face when I came into the bar earlier had brightened up my day and now I was looking forward to spending the night with him. I hoped that he’d had a good, restful nap at my apartment – he was certainly going to need it for what was in store.
Headlights flickered as my car came around the corner. Colt slowed down and pulled up in front of me. I laughed to myself; it was comical seeing such a big man behind the wheel of my little red Civic. I got in on the passenger side, preferring to let him drive.
He started heading the way of the diner, but I touched his arm and told him to head toward the apartment.
“You’re not hungry?” he said.
“Not for food,” I said naughtily.
He knew what I wanted, what I’d wanted all week long, that cathartic release that would wash the stress of school and my job away. Granted the stress of preparing for exams was over, but I still hadn’t received my final grades. I know I shouldn’t have been worried about it, especially since there was nothing I could do now, but I wouldn’t be completely relaxed until the grades were officially in the books.
As he drove, I put my hand on Colt’s leg, easing it up slowly toward his crotch. He looked straight ahead, as if he didn’t even notice. Then I began massaging, my hand between his legs, rubbing gently, feeling that big cock starting to get hard. Could I make it all the way home? Now that I’d initiated things, I felt my desire growing exponentially by the second. How could I hold out that long?
I continued rubbing, then unbuckled my seat belt, moving my head down toward his crotch. Colt shifted the seatback, knowing what I had in mind, anticipating it even more than I was. I unzipped his jeans. He got up slightly, allowing me to shimmy them off of his hips so I could pull out that monster cock, already halfway hard. My mouth would get it the rest of the way there.
Wild. Feisty. Confident. Perfect. Cat was lusting tonight, I could tell. She jerked my cock as I drove, but holding herself back, making me wait for the feeling of her mouth wrapped around my tip. She gave a kiss to the head and licked up the shaft. When she finally took me inside her mouth, it was all I could do to concentrate on driving.
It was even better than before, made more perfect by the long interval between now and our last fuck. That sweet sexy mouth, so wet, slickening my cock with saliva as she swirled that tongue around me, applying that subtle, sensual pressure in every lick and suck. The smooth ebbs and flow of pleasure as she bobbed up and down made me want to pull the car over and fuck her right then and there.
I reached over and grabbed his curvy ass, squeezing as she took me deep into her throat. With that burst of pleasure, I stepped on the gas pedal. Half instinctually, half deliberately. I took corners at high speed, gunned it down straightaways, taking it above 100 MPH on a long stretch. And still Cat sucked, as if she didn’t even notice a change in momentum, as if pleasuring me was her one and only goal.
I felt vibrant, alive in the night. And at these speeds we were pulling into her parking lot within minutes. I parked and spanked her lightly on the ass, letting her know we were back at the apartment. I shoved my cock into my pants as best I could and got out of the car. She knew what I wanted and she knew I wasn’t willing to wait.
I locked the car and grabbed her hand, running, practically dragging her up the stairs to the apartment. I turned the key in the door and pushed my way inside. Pulling her toward me, I squeezed her ass with both hands, thrusting against her, grinding my hard cock against her body. She moaned, wanting it. Then I pushed her up against the wall, holding her there as I went in for a forceful, passionate kiss.
I’d waited far too long for this.
Colt was an absolute animal, his body pressed up against mine, holding me against the smooth, cool surface of my apartment well. That big cock wriggled in his pants. I could feel it against my thigh as he kissed me, deep wet kisses that contai
ned a passion built over the week we’d spent apart. We’d both been waiting for this, wanting each other so badly day after day. A few nights I’d even gone to bed touching myself, thoughts of Colt fucking me on my mind.
But now he was here with me in the flesh, his muscular arms holding me tight, big hands squeezing my ass. That grinding motion was getting me wet, making me crave that cock inside me. I pushed him off of me and took his hand, pulling him towards the bedroom. I wanted it rough and I wanted it now. I had waited all week; I was done with waiting. So over it.
We both shed our clothes as we made our way to the bed. Colt picked me up, still wearing his boxers. I straddled his torso as he lifted me up, dropping me down on the bed and pinning me to the mattress. I could feel that huge cock, salient in the soft cloth of his boxers as it rubbed against my pussy. I lifted my legs in the air so he could peel off my panties. Enough foreplay, I thought. Just put it inside me.
Colt slid his cock through the slit in the front of his boxers, giving it a few strokes with his hand, almost taunting me with his size. I was gushing, just wanting him inside me, squirming beneath him. I’d been waiting for this release all week; I was practically having withdrawal from his cock.
I reached up and touched his hip, attempting to pull him over toward me. Whining, begging for his big dick in soft little moans. He laughed, pushing be back down on the bed. He was done teasing. Now he’d finally give me what I wanted.
I spread my legs apart, making my wet slit accessible to him as his body slid down on top of me, the snips of chest hair gliding across the soft skin of breasts. I felt the metal touch of his dog tags that sent a shiver through my body. He gave me a kiss, parting my lips with his own and filling me with the hot wetness of his tongue. I gave a little flicker, a tease, and invitation. Simultaneously, I could feel the head of his cock touching my pussy, just barely parting the lips.